Hi there...Glad to meet you! I am the Fat Girl...and this is my world. What you say? A self proclaimed fat girl? Aren't you suppose to use some other word for FAT? Obese? Chubby? Well, I could , but darlings...I am FAT. At my worst I was hovering around 300 pounds. Sometimes I hovered over 300 and well sometimes I was lucky and hovered below. And yes, I knew I was fat. I own mirrors. Dang...But see, I have been fat forever. Since about 6 years old when I first noticed I didn't have wrists like other people...or knees or ankles...just fat. And I have been on every diet...every exercise program..I even got down to almost 200 pounds one time when I was bulimic. But, never have I really succeeded.
Then 2015 came and I was diagnosed with high cholesterol. Well, I was already on high blood pressure medicine. Not we were getting serious. In my 50's and having serious issues. So I got serious.
I joined a program to help me lose weight and change my attitudes. And it worked. I lost 20 pounds pretty quickly then stopped. I realized I was doing what every doctor said I needed to do and I was not losing weight. Healthy eating, portion control and exercise. This is where I would get discouraged and stop...not this time. I got angry and went to see a doctor...and decided I wanted surgery. Ahhh you say, the easy way out. LOL No, the hard way. For the last 6 months I have been going off to doctors monthly, tracking my food, tracking my exercise and working hard to be approved for the surgery. I am almost there. This is my blog to track my life.
You are not a failure if you think surgery is the answer. You are a failure if you die from being morbidly obese.
I am FAT. I am morbidly obese. I deserve better.
So what is the blog about? My food, My life, my experience. Come along!
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