Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Bariatric Psychology Questionnaire....Am I too crazy to have surgery?

Yep...I have my own personal underground garage :-)  Part of the process of having weight loss surgery is seeing a psychologist.  Now, I understand that they want to make sure you do not have any evil lurking issues to address before they do this major surgery.  You have to be in the right frame of mind.

I was sent a 20+ page document/questionnaire to fill out.  Now, I have had people question my sanity many times but some of the questions asked on this form started to make me think I was totally normal.  Then I took a step back and realized, the poor people who answer yes to some of these questions.  They must feel so out of control and in so much pain.  To not be able to control your binge eating...even in the middle of the night.  To binge and purge...over and over again.

I filled out the document and skipped the parts they told me to.  Then I went back and read those parts.  It made me feel sad and lucky at the same time.  I am sad that there is so much pain in this world.  And our self image can be so tortured by what we weigh and how we look.  And lucky, because even though I am obese...morbidly so, I have a positive outlook on life.  I see my weight as an attribute of my body not as the definition of who I am.  Do I wish I did not weigh so much? YES  Do I think if I weighed less I would be a better person? NO...I would be thinner and healthier.  I would still be an awesome person regardless.

If somebody reads this who is struggling with their weight, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..know you are special and fabulous at any weight.  Your weight does not define who you are.  Your actions and kindness define you.

If somebody who loves somebody who is struggling with their weight reads this, PLEASE BE KIND.  How you approach somebody who is struggling can make the difference in them getting help and continuing to struggle.  Do not ignore the issue, just be KIND.

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