Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Prepping for surgery...WTH?

Most of the people who are on a weight loss journey have read everything there has ever been written about the process.  We pour over every little detail.  We know the steps ,what we should eat and what we shouldn't eat.  We have met with nutritionists...doctors...psychologists...we are READY!

And then we aren't...I have learned a ton about medicine in America through this journey.  Americans believe that our doctors/surgeons are gods.  They know what is best and they all agree on process and procedures...yeah, right.  What I have learned, is doctors are just like the rest of us.  Go into any place where 2 people do the same job and both will do it a little different.  So it is with doctors.

In my situation, I am working with a surgeon who does not believe in the 2 week liquid diet.  He believes in sticking to a low carb diet.  Another doctor in the SAME practice believes in a super strict liquid diet.  Their lists of food and recommendations are totally different.  Not only for people like me with a weird situation, but across the board.

So you ask yourself...what do you do?  Who do you listen to? And I say, listen to your surgeon...your doctor...your gut.  So how am I proceeding?  With liquid diet all day and super low carb for dinner.  But that is what I have been doing for the last year so I am lucky....I am ready.

BTW, April 21st is my day.  Wish me luck with all that is going on.

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